Environmentalists regard these moves as the government taking advantage of the national mood to roll back protective measures 环保主义者认为这些是政府利用国民情绪来减少保护措施的举措。
The developer must specify where and when to roll back a transaction when a checked exception occurs. 开发人员必须指定出现异常时在何处以及何时回滚事务。
The logical-log records are used to roll back transactions, recover from system failures, and so on. 逻辑日志记录用于事务回滚、系统故障恢复等等。
I actually did have to roll back the server migration from my first example because of time. 对于第一个示例,由于时间的原因,我实际上不得不回退了服务器迁移操作。
The RESTART DATABASE command uses active logs to roll back changes that are not yet committed. RESTARTDATABASE命令使用活动日志对尚未提交的更改进行回滚。
You can even change the value of a field, or delete or insert an entire row on this page, and then commit or roll back the changes that you have made! 还可以更改字段的值,或在该页面中删除或插入整行,然后提交或回滚恢复所进行的更改!
The original file system must be unmounted before executing the roll back. 在执行回滚之前,必须卸载原始文件系统。
In this case, the RM generally does most of the work to commit or roll back the transaction. 在这种情况下,RM通常执行提交或回滚事务所需的大部分工作。
If desired, you can roll back to the prior state simply by clicking a button. 如果需要的话,您只需单击按钮就可以回滚到先前的状态。
More important, when should the transaction roll back the work? 更重要的是,事务应何时回滚工作?
Before issuing the COMMIT, you could roll back the work using the ROLLBACK statement. 在发出COMMIT之前,可以使用ROLLBACK语句回滚工作。
You are able to roll back to previous versions if anything goes wrong in the current model. 您可以回滚到以前的版本,如果当前的版本发生问题的话。
Are you sure you would like to roll back to the previous driver? 您确实要回滚到上一个驱动程序吗?
Specifies when to roll back incomplete transactions when the database is transitioned from one state to another. 指定当数据库从一种状态转换到另一种状态时,何时回滚未完成的事务。
The internal transaction you are attempting to roll back has not started. 您正试图回滚的内部事务尚未开始。
President Bush says he will not allow legislators to roll back limits on stem cell research he set in2001. 布什总统表示他不会允许国会议员们取消他在2001年对干细胞研究所做的限制。
You can use this backup if you have to roll back your changes. 如果必须回滚所做的更改,您可以使用此备份。
As the waves roll back, more and more sand can be seen. 海浪退下时,露出的沙滩会越来越多。
If you make a mistake, you can roll back to the copies that you create in this step. 如果您执行了错误操作,则可回滚到本步骤中创建的备份。
This will include counts of blocks read from the rollback segment in order to roll back a block. 为了回滚一个块,这将包括从回滚段读取的块的数目。
In a later step, you are shown how to roll back to the error-free version of the file. 在后面的步骤中,将向您演示如何回滚到该文件无错误的版本。
From the installation packages list, select the package that you want to roll back. 在安装软件包列表中,选择您想要回滚的软件包。
If the device fails after updating the driver, roll back to the previously installed driver. 如果该设备在更新驱动器时失败,请回滚到以前安装的驱动程序。
You can only roll back one version level at a time. 每次只能回滚一个版本级别。
We are now engaged in diplomatic efforts to roll back this development. 我们目前正为扭转这一变化而进行外交努力。
You can stop the process and roll back the whole transaction by clicking stop and then cancel. 通过单击“停止”,然后单击“取消”,可以停止该过程并回滚整个事务。
That would violate the XA contract because you could not roll back the XA transaction. 那会破坏XA的规矩,因为你会无法回滚XA事务。
Versioning helps comparing different versions of the schema and the developer can roll back and forth the changes performed. 版本控制有助于比较schema的不同版本,开发者可以对已进行的变更进行回退和重做处理。